SWAYAM January 2023 semester result for 66 courses out on swayam.nta.ac.in-Inspire To Hire

National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced January 2023 semester examination results for the remaining 66 courses of the Study Webs of Active–Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM). Learners can check it on the official website of NTA, swayam.nta.ac.in.

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SWAYAM January 2023 semester result for lot 3 out on swayam.nta.ac.in(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

SWAYAM January semester written exams were conducted by the National Testing Agency on October 19, 20 and 21, 2023 in 6 sessions at 102 centres in 77 cities across the country.

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Results of 182 courses (lot 1), which were held in computer based test (CBT) mode, were announced on November 16. Results of 103 courses in lot 2, which were also held in CBT mode, were announced on November 26.

Now, NTA has announced results of the remaining 66 courses which were held in hybrid – CBT+ pen and paper – mode.

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Learners can check SWAYAM result using the link below:

SWAYAM January 2023 semester results: Lot 3

“The responsibility of NTA is limited to inviting online applications, conduct of the test, declaration of Scores and providing the results to Ministry of Education for further action at their end. The final score card and certificates will be issued by the National Co-ordinators. For any clarifications, candidates can write to NTA at swayam@nta.ac.in or call NTA Help Desk at 011- 40759000,” NTA said in the result notification.

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