APSC Prelims Result Date 2024: When is CCE Prelims result? Check past trends

APSC Prelims Result Date 2024: When is CCE Prelims result?  Check past trends

APSC Prelims Result 2023/24: The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) conducted the Combined Competitive Preliminary Examination (APSC Prelims 2023) on March 18, and the result of the test will be declared next. When declared, candidates can check it on apsc.nic.in.

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APSC Prelims Result Date 2024: Check past trends (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The commission usually announces the CCE Prelims results within 20 days. Last time, the exam was held on March 26 and results were declared on April 12.

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Answer keys released

The General Studies Paper 1 examination of the CCE Prelims was held in the first shift, from 10 am to 12 pm and the General Studies Paper 2 exam took place in the second shift, from 2 pm to 4 pm. Each paper carries 200 marks.

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Answer keys of GS paper 1 and paper 2 were released later that day.

The commission had also invited objections, if any, to the preliminary answer keys. They were allowed to raise objections online till March 23 with supporting documents/papers, etc.

The commission said it will not entertain any claim for correction if it is not supported by documents or if it is sent via email or hard copy.

235 vacancies this year, Mains exam in June/July

This time, the number of vacancies to be filled through APSC CCE is 235, significantly less compared to the last year. The APSC CCE 2022 was for 913 vacancies.

In the next stage of the examination, shortlisted candidates will appear for the Mains examination. The Mains examination has two parts – the descriptive-type written papers and the interview (personality test).

The APSC CCE Mains examination is tentatively scheduled for June or July. The detailed schedule will be published later.

How to check APSC Prelims result

Go to the official website of the commission, apsc.nic.in.

Open the APSC CCE Prelims 2023 result link given on the home page.

Enter your credentials, login and check the APSC CCE Prelims result.

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