Labour :: Licence Details-Inspire To Hire

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Place *

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Starting date of Licence *



Name of contractor *


Address of contractor *



Date of birth

Labour :: Licence Details-Inspire To Hire





Guardian Name


Type of business/Trade/Industry



Name of Establishment *


Address of Establishment *



Number of certificate of registration of the establishment under the Act *



Date of certificate of registration of the establishment under the Act *

Labour :: Licence Details-Inspire To Hire



Name of Principal Employer


Address of Principal Employer



Nature of work in which migrant workmen are employed or are to be employed in the establishment


Duration of the proposed contract work (give particulars of proposed date of commencing and ending)



Duration of Contract From date

Labour :: Licence Details-Inspire To Hire


Duration of Contract To date

Labour :: Licence Details-Inspire To Hire



Name of the agent or manager of the contractor at the work site.


Address of the agent or manager of the contractor at the work site.



Maximum number of migrant workmen proposed to be employed in the establishment on any date. *






Name of Director/Partners


Address of Director/Partners



Name (s) of person (s) incharge of and responsible to the company/firm for the conduct of the business of the company/firm, as the case may be.


Address (s) of person (s) incharge of and responsible to the company/firm for the conduct of the business of the company/firm, as the case may be.



Whether a Certificate by the Principal Employer in Form VI is enclosed?






 Licence DateLabour :: Licence Details-Inspire To Hire Expiry Date 



Whether the Contaractor convicted of any offence within 5 years


If Yes, Details



Whether there is any order against the Contractor


If Yes, Details



Whether the contractor worked in any other Establishment


If Yes, Details








Upload Form VI (Only pdf)*


Upload Agreement Copy (Only pdf)



Upload Employees Details (Excel file only)






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