RPSC RAS exam district details today at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in | Competitive Exams-Inspire To Hire

Rajastrhan Public Service Commission (RPSC) will announce details of exam districts of the Rajasthan Administrative Service (RAS) Prelims examination 2023 today, September 24. Candidates can download it from the SSO portal, sso.rajasthan.gov.in or from rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.

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RPSC RAS exam district details today at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in(File Photo)

RPSC RAS Prelims exam is scheduled for October 1. The test will be held in a single shift from 11 am to 2 pm.

Candidates will be allowed to enter the exam venue till 10 am, RPSC said.

The commission has asked candidates to reach the venue in time so that frisking could take place.

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Admit cards of RPSC RAS Prelims 2023 will be issued three days prior to the exam date. To download it, candidates have to use application number and date of birth as login credentials.

The commission has asked candidates not to fall for any misleading information related to the examination. It has also warned candidates not to use any unfair means.

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