Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has issued answer keys of the remaining papers of the Secondary Teacher Eligibility Test or STET 2023. Candidates can go to and check it.
BSEB Bihar STET result 2023 live updates
Answer keys have been issued for the following papers:
1. Physics (214)
2. Political Science (219)
3. Sociology (220)
4. Home Science (224)
In the case of any error found in these answer keys, candidates can login to and submit their objections by 4 pm on Sept 20 with payment of a fee of ₹50. The fee can be paid Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking
How to check BSEB STET answer key 2023
1. Go to
2. Open the answer key link.
3. Login with your credentials.
4. Check and download the answer key.
Next, results of the exam will be announced. Candidates should visit the STET website for regular updates.